Saturday 14 July 2012

RIM's Bucket list

I've been following Research in Motion for quite sometime now and they are dropping balls left, right, and center!This also lead to the tanking of its stock from a whopping $150 (TSE:RIM) to under $8 a share. What a drop! Now RIM is trying to make its comeback; it can be a modern day APPLE (NYSE: AAPL). 

So how do they do this  and what should they do?

I've come up with a bucket list of things for them to do that I think can save them, at least their stock anyway.

The bucket list:


I'm not sure if this is possible, but they should adopt android apps into their playbook and phones. However, not in the sense that where they assimilate the apps into theirs (like they do already), but instead have it exist as a separate  set of apps. For example, have BB App World separate from the android app market. This way users can see a clear difference between the two sets of apps. What this shows to investors and users is that RIM has made a change. This will likely lead to a boost in the stock price, as it will signify a come back. The other benefit to doing this is that users can see a clear difference in quality.

#2 CREATE A PHONE THAT IS A MINI VERSION OF THE PLAYBOOK (I made this suggestion to their facebook page and now they have a phone that looks like the playbook -:) ).

The playbook is a good product, it just lacks support. If they create a phone that works like the playbook  and along with Bucket list item #1, this will definitely create a product worthy of competing. Why? The specs will be good, the support will be there, and it will also be sleek and functional for everyday use. It will be simple enough for the everyday user and should be able to do all the things that user wants it to do. 


Create two different products ONLY two - 1) business users 2) everyday users. Both phones will be essentially the same, however one will have the famous keypad and the other will be full touch. The business one should have pre-loaded features that allow it to function as a business tool i.e controlling power point slides and etc. That kind of business stuff. The "everyday phone" will have that access to the same business apps as the business model as well but will be required to install it for free off app world (also not an issue). The everyday phone should come preloaded with general apps that people will use. 


Nuff said.


This will allow other companies to use the BBM service. where RIM can charge either a monthly subscription fee to each company to allow them access to RIM's servers or they charge them a one time fee per phone manufactured to have t, or even do both. I'm not sure whether companies will pay for this, but this kind of competitive edge is a dying one. They should milk it as long as they can. They create a good innovative product and so they should be focusing on the innovation side (unlike apple - see my post on why apple sucks (link here)). 

Getting these 5 things right, I can see the company making a comeback...or at least it will be a start. This will re-establish investor confidence, lead to a better user experience, and also sustenance of the company. After this is done they can then  re-focus on becoming an even stronger competitor. They already have a strong following, they just need to increase their marketshare. It  won't be easy, but given the right talent and right objectives, it can definitely be done.

Let me know what you guys think! I'm pretty sure most people already think this already anyway!

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