Sunday 22 July 2012

July, the month where bullets fly!

July should be the month known as gun violence awareness month. I fully intend this to be a pun.  There's been so much gun violence in the past month, that its hard not to be aware of it!  I won't go into detail, but it ranges from the Toronto Eaton Center shooting all the way to the most recent batman inspired shooting! There are bunch in between and some after, but the main point I'm drawing attention to is that a lot of these happened in July. What is so god damn special about July?  I guess criminals and crazies only like to operate in warm warm weather, or maybe its the string of heat waves that got to them and caused some sort of delirium. Whatever the reason, July seems to be the choice of Gun violence. 

 Maybe to combat this, people should just be allowed to carry their own guns to allow for public justice and self defence. If this were to happen, you'd probably have a lot more people that are less willing to steal, rape, pillage, fight etc because people would be aware that they could get killed. This places everyone on an equal playing field. This way you will likely not have one small dude pull out a gun and kill a larger dude in the heat of the moment, knowing that the big guy also has a gun. You might have a shootout, but either way it will be victim-less, other than the bystanders, because both parties will be participating in this shootout! Sounds stupid, I know. Just imagine if everyone had a gun, I think people would tread a little more carefully because it would be like walking on egg shells. People would be a little more polite and the assumption/belief is that people would be so afraid that at any given chance of an altercation, they would try to de-escalate the situation, so as to preserve their life. In the event that the situation does escalate due to some asshole, it'd be hell. Otherwise it'd be pretty peaceful.

I honestly don't know where I am going with this, but lets just hope that one day people revert back to solving problems with fists and words. You'd save more lives, solve more problems, and inspire self improvement. I'm not going to bother to explain this, you can let your imagination run wild with that. 

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