Saturday 28 July 2012

Batman Colorado Shooting a "Hero" is found!

Before you all get your panties in a bunch and start bashing me for this headline, at least take the time to read what this article is really about, you judgmental assholes. I am not referring to the "joker" wannabe crazy. No I'm referring to someone far more heroic and "uncowardly" than him. This individual should receive a medal! I'm also not referring to the guy who died for the sake of his girlfriend, by taking a bullet for her. No. Who I am talking about far exceeds that. He's so heroic that naming him will probably elicit a slew of fan mail. I do have his name though. ( Jamie Rohrs age 25). This man is a true hero!

So what did he do that was so heroic? Well to recap on the situation, a lone gunman burst into the screening of the new batman movie, wielding guns and smoke bombs, and lit the crowd up with a barrage of bullets, effectively killing 12 people and injuring many more. A situation like this calls for "real" heroism. So what does Jamie do? He doesn't fight the guy off or get his loved ones to safety. No, he instead places his baby somewhere in the theatre, leaves his girlfriend, who was shot in the leg, and their other baby behind while he makes the daring escape. He escaped unscathed from the situation. What a hero! You leave your babies' mama behind while you escape to safety. CLASSY. To top it off, at the end of this whole ordeal, while his babies' mama is recovering in the hospital, he proposes to her. 

When he tells this story however, its done in a way without regret and almost makes him seem brave...see the link here full story. Apparently when bullets are flying, its everyone man, woman, and child for themselves. 

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