Saturday 21 July 2012

Sometimes you just need to tell your body to STFU

Sometimes, you just need to tell your body to stfu and get back to work. This applies to working out, fighting, survival, and you can even include rigorous sex into the mix. The practice of telling your body to STFU is called Mind over matter. It's a great thing to practice.

Mind over matter is a practice where you pretty much tell your body to STFU! This is one of the best things you could possibly learn. Why? Well for one, most people's bodies are made of of this element called weakness. Weakness is the thing that tells you to quit, cry, and crumble when put under any sort of mental or physical stress. Now, don't mix this up with actual limitations of the body, because those do exist! What I'm referring to is when you let your body give up at the slight bit of pain. This can come from lifting weights, any sort of exercising, and just pretty much anything that causes some sort of discomfort. What people don't realize is that their bodies are one of the most durable and capable machines on the planet. You tell it to do something, it will do it to the best of its ability. Any instance of weakness or doubt in whatever it is your body is doing, and your body will give up. So practicing mind over matter will let you reach new goals and break through and stomp on those limitations that your stupid whiny,bitching, body has set in place. 

"But Jon, how do you tell your body to do this?" 

Well it's simple. very simple. Just tell your body to STFU. When you are working out and trying for that 100th consecutive push up and your muscles are hurting and cramping and you're struggling all the way to the top, ignore the pain, fight through it, tell your body to stop bitching and hit that 100! Most people are incapable of doing this, because it is a learned skill. The people that are, are the ones who become those elite athletes. Everyone is capable of reaching that elite physical shape, its just how bad they want it. We are told that we are all the same on the inside, that includes muscles, bones, etc, and for the most part is true. While you might not be able to lift or run as fast as someone else, you are still able to reach your peak. Even I have not reached that level yet. I let myself quit all the time, but that's because I'm a quitter and weak. Its okay though, I'm working on that. So you should be doing the same too. 

Want some more proof? So you know how there are all these stories of people out running bears or mothers lifting up cars and etc etc blah blah blah? Well these aren't just stories, these things happen. While maybe not to the same extent as the person exaggerated it to be, but to the extent that something close to it did happen. In any other circumstance , other than the extenuating ones these individuals were in i.e being chased by a bear or something trapped under a car, they probably would not have been able to run as far/fast or lift as much as they did at that time. The only point here, is to show that they are capable of this. Who the fuck cares if they can't do it on a regular basis? They not trained that way. In the end, they still did it. If you can reach that level when you are put in a serious situation, then it is definitely possible to be able to access that strength, endurance, or speed any any other time. The way to do it? Tell your body to STFU. MAKE YOUR BODY YOUR BITCH!

Remember, always tell your body to stfu so that you may reach those new limits!

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