Saturday 28 July 2012

Desk bells are stupid

Desk bells are stupid.  You know those silver/gold bells you see at the concierge desk at hotels, "high" end condos, and random offices? Yeah those bells are stupid! They make everyone look dumb. They are pointless, belittling, and annoying as fuck!

Top 3 reasons why

1) When you are away from the desk, people will press it multiple times and upon your return they will complain about how long they've been waiting and how many times they've pressed it. 

Firstly, have some god damn patience! People think that by pressing these bells, that someone will magically appear out of thin air to the chime, like a leprechaun or fair or something. The person at the front desk could be somewhere else in the building on a completely different floor or sleeping in the backroom, pressing it multiple times will not get their attention. 

2)  It is belittling. People think that by having the bell there, they can get a hold of whoever is in charge at the chime of the bell, regardless of where you might be.

I was going to write three reasons why, but decided it was stupid since it is the same reason over and over and over. So fuck it. Point is these bells suck. 

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