Monday 23 July 2012

A taste of Toronto, one cool date concept!

Everyone loves food and everyone has to eat! So what better way is there to enjoy the company of your significant other, prospective significant other, or your friends other than to enjoy a nice meal at restaurant that you guys like? There really isn't! It kind of explains why, when people go out with friends or on dates, eating is usally involved at some point or multiple points in the night. So, with that, I highly suggest you try the "Biking Foodie Adventure", created by me and my girlfriend. I'm sure the concept isn't new, but I'll take credit for it anyway. 

All places mentioned here are in the wonderful city of TORONTO.

What is it?

The biking foodie adventure is an adventure that lets you and your parter(s) in crime satisfy your gluttonous side, by eating whatever foods your heart(s) desire! Whether it be hot dogs, pizza, fries, mcdonalds, sushi, shwarma, chocolate, candy, cotton candy, etc, this adventure will definitely satisfy you!  The goal here is not to have a meal from every one of your favourite restaurants, but to share a taste of your favourite places with your partner (s) in crime! So you pretty much share/split everything with eachother. By the end of the adventure you will feel full, satisfied, and like you've accomplished something. Hopefully you will have covered a great distance and got a work out at the same time!

If all you're doing is eating, can't  that be expensive?

It can be as cheap or as expensive as you want it to be depending on the places you want to go. For instance,  if you want burger and fries, you can go to a cheap place like mcdonalds or you can go to a more high end place like the burger priest. You also have to take into the count that you're getting to spend the entire day with your friends or significant other, which is priceless. Most people will go see a movie and have dinner which is only 3-4 hours, but this takes up the whole day, you get to be outside enjoying then ice weather, and you get share this experience! So at the cost of food in exchange for a whole day of excitement and adventure, I'd definitely say its well worth it. My girlfriend and I spent maybe $60-$70 between us and were out from 12pm- 12am. Pretty reasonable I'd say for a date. We met up with friends at the beach, road our bikes all around downtown, dodged cars, raced eachother, stopped to enjoy the city, and had great food all at the same time. You also get to stay active and get in shape! What's not to love?

As a date, Food adventure would definitely get you laid or closer to it; girls love adventure and love food. This will be your chance to showcase your knowledge of the city, your fitness level, and also your willingness to be open to new experiences adventure. All of which, girls go apeshit for. So next time you're on a date, try this out! Bring an extra bike for your girl if she doesn't own one. You can borrow it from someone too.

Next time I'll take pictures to document the adventure.  We ate at four different places and covered a total distance of around 40km. We didnt' know where we were going and just went with the flow of things. Awesome day.

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