Saturday 18 August 2012

Stupid products

This is a list of products that I think are dumb and fads that are ingeniously marketed to stupid (hipsteresque) people. This may hit 10 this may hit 20, or it may just hit 3. I haven't decided yet, as this is on the spot. They are also listed in no specific order.

1) Vibram Toe shoes. 

These shoes are supposed to mimic walking around barefoot, while protecting your feet. They are supposed to strengthen your feet in only the good way possible, by reverting back to "nature". As with most fad products, the current fad being healthy living, this product seeks to lure in dumb/misinformed people into purchasing these over priced water shoes. At a starting price of $100, these shoes offer you nothing, other than a rubber sole and a fancy/weird looking shoe. These are stupid for two reasons,  #1 If you wanted to experience barefootedness, you should just walk around barefoot. The soles of your feet will adapt. 2# You can get swimming shoes, which look a lot less stupid, and are only a tenth of the price.

When you walk, your toes stick together naturally. They don't need to be separate. 

2) Can't think of anything right now. So stay tuned!

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