Saturday 4 August 2012

Mcdonald's secret menu...yes it exists!

Mcdonalds has a secret menu!

Everyone loves mcdonalds. Their food is salty, delicious, coma-inducing, and makes you crave it. It is especially good after a night of drinking. Well, Mcdonalds lovers, theres more to the menu that meets the eye! You might be fond of their bistro wiches, love their big macs, crave their supersized fries, and embrace their mchicken, but they have a few secret items that will take you beyond their delicious norms...Are you ready to hear one of them? 


That is right! A Mcgangbang. Oh it exists, and most mcdonalds employees know what it is. There are a few different variations of the Mcgangbang, but the cheapest and best value one is the Mcdouble inspired one. The Mcdouble Mcgangbang is a Mcdouble sandwich with a  junior chicken patty in the center. This wich packs nearly 40 grams of protein, a crap load of fat, and almost 1000 calories for just $2.50! ($2.51 to be exact). Where else can you find something this delicious and with these kind of stats for this price? Probably nowhere.

Now this is just the beginning. This combination literally opens the floor up to you creative ones to make new wiches and other goodies that will satisfy, put you to sleep, and make you feel good.

Definitely take some time and experience this sandwich. It is worth it ($2.51) and definitely one of the must tries for you greasy food lovers. If you like Epic mealtime and the likes, then this sandwich is definitely for you! You might also want to try your own creations as well, maybe a qaurter-pounder with a fillet of fish patty or w.e! 

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