Saturday 4 August 2012

Studies show Farting increases the risk of cancer!

Studies show, farting increases the risk of Cancer and negatively impacts the economy!

In recent studies, science has proven an obscure and questionable link between farting and the risk of skin cancers. The link appears in the following sequence.

Proof of this statement: Farting negatively impacts the economy.

1) Farting releases methane. Therefore increased farting releases a lot of methane.

2) Methane is a gas known to destroy/damage the ozone layer.

3) A decrease in the amount of ozone directly increases the amount of Ultraviolet rays that reach the earth.

4) More Ultraviolet rays leads to greater risk of sun related cancers.

5) An increased risk in cancer, leads to more individuals who are diagnosed with it.

6) The more people diagnosed with cancer, means more people in our hospitals.

7) The more people in our hospitals means that more resources are needed to sustain these people.

8) The more resources used for healthcare, leads to deficiencies in other parts of the economy that also require resources. 

9) Therefore farting affects the economy.

This is an example of an argument that is very similar to ones social activists and anti-corporation activists make. They link obscure things the their main point which  are usually very loosely connected and can sometimes be debated. Everything is interconnected in one way, its called the butterfly effect.

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