Monday, 11 March 2013

Myth of inequality in America

We all know life is a race. It doesn't have to be that way, but unfortunately it is. How this relates? Well keeping this in mind, lets say we have two runners who are in a race. One person started earlier and has a 1000 meters advantage. The second runner started late, and so they are trying to catch up. Is it fair to ask the first runner to slow down? Sure its fair to ask. Is it fair to force them to slow down? No. Definitely not.

Now lets super impose this thought onto American society. Equality between Men and Women.

Men vs. Women.

Are men and women equal as of now?  Yes they are. In some cases men have an advantage and in others women have the advantage, but more or less they are equal as whole. In fact, a lot of the perceived advantages that men have are not due to inequality, but due to individual choice. For example, when it comes to positions in high places within corporations and wage rate. Women, however, make it seem as if all the corporations and the government plan in secret to keep them oppressed. This is not the case. On average, women just don't pick jobs or put themselves in the position for jobs that lead to those big roles. How many women opt to go into dangerous jobs? Or How many women choose to stay with a company long enough and take all the necessary steps to be in position to get that spot. Being put in those high places boils down to the employer making a decision on what would be best, usually based on opinion and merit of the applicant. If you have  two individuals (male and female) equal in all aspects (attractiveness, experience, time in, hours worked etc), ultimately it will boil down to the employers opinion of who would be better for the company. In a female run organization, I can confidently say they would pick the female; and it would be vice versa in a male run organization. So how is this unequal?

With regards to the pay gap, have you ever considered that it is a possibility that women work less hours overall than men? That they also pick jobs that make less, due to comfort and location? For example, working in the military or working in the oil fields. These jobs make on average $20 an hour. If a woman chose to work in an office setting as admin, it is more than likely they'd make less. No one is forecfully keeping women out of these jobs, it is really just based on preference of what they want to do.

If there are not enough businesses that are run by women, it just means women need to start more businesses. How is it fair for a man to hand off their business to a women just because she is a woman? Likewise, would it be fair that ask that women handed over control over their businesses to men? This is something that needs to be fixed over time, by women actually taking the steps to make businesses, not by men handing them over.

In some cases women have not been equal in the past and I don't deny that. I don't deny that women have had to come a long way to get where we are today and I also don't deny that it was a struggle. Today, in 2013, I cannot believe that women are not equal with men. I believe women actually have more of an advantage. Why? Women have become placed on a pedestal. Men are expected to provide for them, women have freedom to do almost whatever they want without repercussion - everything from hitting men, being rude to them, to being able to put a man behind bars quite easily. There are instances of this too, you just need to look them up on google! Maybe you've even experieneced it as well. Feminists really need to stop complaining and start actually doing things to make a difference. More action and less talk.

So how did we get to where we are today in terms of men running the world? It is nature and genetics. That is just how we were made. Men, on average, are genetically stronger than women physically, and so that lead to them being dominant. Women are, by nature ,supposed to be the nurturers and the ones who carry the baby, which make them more vulnerable during pregnancy. Men are not to blame for this. This is just how nature is and how we are. That is how inequality started and how gender roles formed. If we want to move forward, we really need to start moving away from blaming men for advantages that nature gave them. Over years and years of developing these roles, we reached the norms that we have today for men and women. That is just the way things are. Where we are today, women are more than equal to men, and it shows. They may not be in the high position places within corporations (explained above) or may overall make less (also explained above), but on an hourly wage for the same job, same hours worked, same amount of work completed, they make the same. They are able to abort a baby without the consent of a man and expect to receive child support (unfair), they are able to get away with assaulting a man , men are expected to take care of women, whether they need it or not (unfair), and etc.

Men started the race with advantages of being stronger and etc. Over time this led to having an advantage. Is it really fair to force men to step down from their places of power so that women can catch up? Men are doing this and so we need to drop this feminist bullshit.

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