Sunday, 15 July 2012

A world of haters! Everyone needs to chill the **** out!

Before I go on with this rant, here is a brief background about myself. I hate hippies, complainers (of no action or no solution),  hipsters (the evolved more smug, contentious, snobby), and extreme feminists. I am a current serving member in the Canadian forces and have served for 5 years. Yeah I'm probably biased, but don't let that let you have a biased stand point against my views! I assure you they are rational.

Everyone hates these days...and often without reason! 

I was at my friends barbecue and meet another service member there. I currently go to York University (this is somewhat relevant, but not really). Anyway we start talking and he tells me that the military tried a recruiting campaign at York U (You can probably see where this is going). They set up a booth, and immediately they are met with resistance by small group of students, which increasingly got bigger.The recruiters had to leave. 

Why I have an issue with this?

1) Guarantee more than half of those fucks don't know what the fuck is going on with the world other than what they hear in the pseudo media; by pseudo media, I'm referring to the people who criticize everything. These are like movie critiques, who are also useless, who often write shitty reviews for movies that the public generally receives well. This type of pseudo media criticizes everything the government, military, and any form of structured organization. They target the corporations and so forth. You really can't win with this crowd.

2) Most these people don't even know what they want or just want very vague things to happen without any consideration as to how these things can happen. For example they just don't agree with the mission. However, they don't know what the mission is or make assumptions as to why we are there. They completely ignore the experiences of individual soldiers and assume that it is one giant conspiracy. They follow a group-think mentality, in the hopes of being different, so that they can have some sort of identity. This leads to biases against many of the corporations and government organizations. A friend once told me she was against the war. I asked her why and then proceeded to "school" her with instances of what goes on and the experiences our soldiers face. She changed her mind...literally within 5 seconds, and not because of coercion. 

These same individuals will often pursue useless degrees like philosophy, arts, women studies etc. The lucky ones will get a decent job. The rest (90%) will end up in a shit load of debt, where  the only way they can pay for it is to work at a shitty job; they might also just stay in school for an extra 3-4 years so that they can get something useful or turn their useless degree into something useful i.e a paper airplane. They will then blame the system for this, but really who's fault is it that they picked a degree that no corporation wants?  There is also a hypocrisy that exists here too! They will aim to work for a corporation so that they can make buttloads of money to buy the next iphone or menchies! I strongly believe that people's values should be firm and not change at the whim of cash or material items.

3) If they aren't complaining now, they will complain later about something else. Before we went into Uganda, there were hordes and hordes of protesters kicking and screaming for us to go there. The reason ? shit was going down already. So finally we decide to go in after things there start to go sour.  The Canadian government gets criticized for this in-action. So people complain because our response is "delayed". Now with Afghanistan, we are being proactive as opposed to reactive, like in Uganda. Guess what? People are protesting that too! With these people you can't win.  So eventually complaining and criticizing will happen. Why? because they have nothing better to do.

4) These people are selfish, self-absorbed, spoiled, and self-entitled. They want things that only benefit themselves with the consideration of who else or what else it affects. Even when they want something that they consider "selfless" to happen, i.e to end poverty around the world, it is only done so that it can benefit them. If they truly wanted to end poverty they would give their cash to the less fortunate. Or another example is with extreme feminists. These individuals fall under the same category because they are in the same mindset. These individuals want equal pay and just everything equal. However, they fail to consider that there is a minimum wage standard and that most jobs out there are on a merit, qualification, and seniority basis. They also would not sacrifice half their wage to a person in another country who is also making a fraction of they are making.  So this only leads to the conclusion that they really only want this change for themselves. selfish selfish selfish. There is also a sense of entitlement that these individuals carry. For the record, no one owes  anyone anything, unless its earned. They need to learn that.

People need to stop hating and need to just start working towards their goals or the goals that they want the world to achieve. They need to stop blaming people and others for their misfortunes and need to start taking responsibility. Sure it would be nice if corporations would pay for education of students and what not, but where will they get this money? Money travels in cycles and changes hands. One person will always be without money. Even if the world restarted and everyone was given an equal amount of cash, over time it the world will reach the same status it is in as it is today due to the nature of humans.

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