Saturday, 28 July 2012

Tattoos are great!

A lot of people who have tattoos will tell you they did it because it means something to them. Of those people, only a handlful of them actually mean it; these are the people who get tattoos of their kids, family members, religion etc. Everyone else is bullshitting you and just wants to come off as "deep", even some people who get religious tattoos are bullshitting about the meaning. Anyone with a brain can come up with some arbitrary meaning for a tattoo and most people do because they don't want to be that person who got one because they thought it was "cool". So what do they do? They just make up some random bullshit to justify it. These are the types of people who I call twigs. Why? because they are fickle.

Example 1) 
Guy gets a dragon tattoo. So you ask him why? He comes up with this super long story about what it means to him etc. i.e  douche bag :"it means strength and how I always over come it". BULLSHIT. This guy got it because he thought it was cool. There are plenty of things that mean strength and shit, so why get a dragon? What about getting a tattoo of  giant metal rod, like the one you are, to represent strength. OR better yet, why not just get the word strength tattooed? That will get the point home no? 

Example 2)
Koi fish. I have no idea what koi fish means, but apparently means something along the lines of wealth and longevity. Again, this person got it possibly because they thought it was cool and wanted to be "cool" like douchebag #1 up top.
Bottom line is, most people get tattoos because they think it looks cool or they think it will change them in someway. In some cases it does change them. Maybe it makes them more bad assish or w.e. , but the MAIN reason they got it is because it looks COOL. Not because of its meaning.  You can smell bullshit when you ask someone about their dragon /koifish tattoo. 

I  have a bubble tea, banana peel, and dragon turtle. Why? because they look fucking cool!

Batman Colorado Shooting a "Hero" is found!

Before you all get your panties in a bunch and start bashing me for this headline, at least take the time to read what this article is really about, you judgmental assholes. I am not referring to the "joker" wannabe crazy. No I'm referring to someone far more heroic and "uncowardly" than him. This individual should receive a medal! I'm also not referring to the guy who died for the sake of his girlfriend, by taking a bullet for her. No. Who I am talking about far exceeds that. He's so heroic that naming him will probably elicit a slew of fan mail. I do have his name though. ( Jamie Rohrs age 25). This man is a true hero!

So what did he do that was so heroic? Well to recap on the situation, a lone gunman burst into the screening of the new batman movie, wielding guns and smoke bombs, and lit the crowd up with a barrage of bullets, effectively killing 12 people and injuring many more. A situation like this calls for "real" heroism. So what does Jamie do? He doesn't fight the guy off or get his loved ones to safety. No, he instead places his baby somewhere in the theatre, leaves his girlfriend, who was shot in the leg, and their other baby behind while he makes the daring escape. He escaped unscathed from the situation. What a hero! You leave your babies' mama behind while you escape to safety. CLASSY. To top it off, at the end of this whole ordeal, while his babies' mama is recovering in the hospital, he proposes to her. 

When he tells this story however, its done in a way without regret and almost makes him seem brave...see the link here full story. Apparently when bullets are flying, its everyone man, woman, and child for themselves. 

Girls don't like to give blow jobs because they are selfish

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Desk bells are stupid

Desk bells are stupid.  You know those silver/gold bells you see at the concierge desk at hotels, "high" end condos, and random offices? Yeah those bells are stupid! They make everyone look dumb. They are pointless, belittling, and annoying as fuck!

Top 3 reasons why

1) When you are away from the desk, people will press it multiple times and upon your return they will complain about how long they've been waiting and how many times they've pressed it. 

Firstly, have some god damn patience! People think that by pressing these bells, that someone will magically appear out of thin air to the chime, like a leprechaun or fair or something. The person at the front desk could be somewhere else in the building on a completely different floor or sleeping in the backroom, pressing it multiple times will not get their attention. 

2)  It is belittling. People think that by having the bell there, they can get a hold of whoever is in charge at the chime of the bell, regardless of where you might be.

I was going to write three reasons why, but decided it was stupid since it is the same reason over and over and over. So fuck it. Point is these bells suck. 

Monday, 23 July 2012

A taste of Toronto, one cool date concept!

Everyone loves food and everyone has to eat! So what better way is there to enjoy the company of your significant other, prospective significant other, or your friends other than to enjoy a nice meal at restaurant that you guys like? There really isn't! It kind of explains why, when people go out with friends or on dates, eating is usally involved at some point or multiple points in the night. So, with that, I highly suggest you try the "Biking Foodie Adventure", created by me and my girlfriend. I'm sure the concept isn't new, but I'll take credit for it anyway. 

All places mentioned here are in the wonderful city of TORONTO.

What is it?

The biking foodie adventure is an adventure that lets you and your parter(s) in crime satisfy your gluttonous side, by eating whatever foods your heart(s) desire! Whether it be hot dogs, pizza, fries, mcdonalds, sushi, shwarma, chocolate, candy, cotton candy, etc, this adventure will definitely satisfy you!  The goal here is not to have a meal from every one of your favourite restaurants, but to share a taste of your favourite places with your partner (s) in crime! So you pretty much share/split everything with eachother. By the end of the adventure you will feel full, satisfied, and like you've accomplished something. Hopefully you will have covered a great distance and got a work out at the same time!

If all you're doing is eating, can't  that be expensive?

It can be as cheap or as expensive as you want it to be depending on the places you want to go. For instance,  if you want burger and fries, you can go to a cheap place like mcdonalds or you can go to a more high end place like the burger priest. You also have to take into the count that you're getting to spend the entire day with your friends or significant other, which is priceless. Most people will go see a movie and have dinner which is only 3-4 hours, but this takes up the whole day, you get to be outside enjoying then ice weather, and you get share this experience! So at the cost of food in exchange for a whole day of excitement and adventure, I'd definitely say its well worth it. My girlfriend and I spent maybe $60-$70 between us and were out from 12pm- 12am. Pretty reasonable I'd say for a date. We met up with friends at the beach, road our bikes all around downtown, dodged cars, raced eachother, stopped to enjoy the city, and had great food all at the same time. You also get to stay active and get in shape! What's not to love?

As a date, Food adventure would definitely get you laid or closer to it; girls love adventure and love food. This will be your chance to showcase your knowledge of the city, your fitness level, and also your willingness to be open to new experiences adventure. All of which, girls go apeshit for. So next time you're on a date, try this out! Bring an extra bike for your girl if she doesn't own one. You can borrow it from someone too.

Next time I'll take pictures to document the adventure.  We ate at four different places and covered a total distance of around 40km. We didnt' know where we were going and just went with the flow of things. Awesome day.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

July, the month where bullets fly!

July should be the month known as gun violence awareness month. I fully intend this to be a pun.  There's been so much gun violence in the past month, that its hard not to be aware of it!  I won't go into detail, but it ranges from the Toronto Eaton Center shooting all the way to the most recent batman inspired shooting! There are bunch in between and some after, but the main point I'm drawing attention to is that a lot of these happened in July. What is so god damn special about July?  I guess criminals and crazies only like to operate in warm warm weather, or maybe its the string of heat waves that got to them and caused some sort of delirium. Whatever the reason, July seems to be the choice of Gun violence. 

 Maybe to combat this, people should just be allowed to carry their own guns to allow for public justice and self defence. If this were to happen, you'd probably have a lot more people that are less willing to steal, rape, pillage, fight etc because people would be aware that they could get killed. This places everyone on an equal playing field. This way you will likely not have one small dude pull out a gun and kill a larger dude in the heat of the moment, knowing that the big guy also has a gun. You might have a shootout, but either way it will be victim-less, other than the bystanders, because both parties will be participating in this shootout! Sounds stupid, I know. Just imagine if everyone had a gun, I think people would tread a little more carefully because it would be like walking on egg shells. People would be a little more polite and the assumption/belief is that people would be so afraid that at any given chance of an altercation, they would try to de-escalate the situation, so as to preserve their life. In the event that the situation does escalate due to some asshole, it'd be hell. Otherwise it'd be pretty peaceful.

I honestly don't know where I am going with this, but lets just hope that one day people revert back to solving problems with fists and words. You'd save more lives, solve more problems, and inspire self improvement. I'm not going to bother to explain this, you can let your imagination run wild with that. 

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Sometimes you just need to tell your body to STFU

Sometimes, you just need to tell your body to stfu and get back to work. This applies to working out, fighting, survival, and you can even include rigorous sex into the mix. The practice of telling your body to STFU is called Mind over matter. It's a great thing to practice.

Mind over matter is a practice where you pretty much tell your body to STFU! This is one of the best things you could possibly learn. Why? Well for one, most people's bodies are made of of this element called weakness. Weakness is the thing that tells you to quit, cry, and crumble when put under any sort of mental or physical stress. Now, don't mix this up with actual limitations of the body, because those do exist! What I'm referring to is when you let your body give up at the slight bit of pain. This can come from lifting weights, any sort of exercising, and just pretty much anything that causes some sort of discomfort. What people don't realize is that their bodies are one of the most durable and capable machines on the planet. You tell it to do something, it will do it to the best of its ability. Any instance of weakness or doubt in whatever it is your body is doing, and your body will give up. So practicing mind over matter will let you reach new goals and break through and stomp on those limitations that your stupid whiny,bitching, body has set in place. 

"But Jon, how do you tell your body to do this?" 

Well it's simple. very simple. Just tell your body to STFU. When you are working out and trying for that 100th consecutive push up and your muscles are hurting and cramping and you're struggling all the way to the top, ignore the pain, fight through it, tell your body to stop bitching and hit that 100! Most people are incapable of doing this, because it is a learned skill. The people that are, are the ones who become those elite athletes. Everyone is capable of reaching that elite physical shape, its just how bad they want it. We are told that we are all the same on the inside, that includes muscles, bones, etc, and for the most part is true. While you might not be able to lift or run as fast as someone else, you are still able to reach your peak. Even I have not reached that level yet. I let myself quit all the time, but that's because I'm a quitter and weak. Its okay though, I'm working on that. So you should be doing the same too. 

Want some more proof? So you know how there are all these stories of people out running bears or mothers lifting up cars and etc etc blah blah blah? Well these aren't just stories, these things happen. While maybe not to the same extent as the person exaggerated it to be, but to the extent that something close to it did happen. In any other circumstance , other than the extenuating ones these individuals were in i.e being chased by a bear or something trapped under a car, they probably would not have been able to run as far/fast or lift as much as they did at that time. The only point here, is to show that they are capable of this. Who the fuck cares if they can't do it on a regular basis? They not trained that way. In the end, they still did it. If you can reach that level when you are put in a serious situation, then it is definitely possible to be able to access that strength, endurance, or speed any any other time. The way to do it? Tell your body to STFU. MAKE YOUR BODY YOUR BITCH!

Remember, always tell your body to stfu so that you may reach those new limits!

Friday, 20 July 2012

The dumb people I meet everyday

Okay so as you know, I'm an ex military dude who is now back in school ,trying to get a a piece of paper that says I "can", so that I can land the dream job of my life. However, in the mean time, I am working as a security guard at a "high end/luxury" condo. I use "" because of inside jokes that you will only get it if you work this glamorous job, so I won't bother explaining it.

I do however want to tell you all about a little conversation I had with a resident, and the realization of how dumb and selfish people can be. First let me say, I do think the rules of this condo are stupid, but they still have to be followed for the sake of keeping my job. 

#1 rule of the condo: Do not let residents into their own condo suite using the master key. They must call a locksmith. You will get fired immediately. 

A brief idea of the situation.

A resident arrives with TWO police officers because she lost her key and couldn't get into her condo. Talk about shit police have to deal with! Also consider the tax dollars and time wasted on helping a dumb person solve their missing key problem...DUMB. This person didn't actually lose her key. She actually left it with her friend who is off slamming some random club dude. Go figure!

The following conversation between me and a resident. 

Resident: I have two police officers with me and I need you to let me into my condo, its an emergency! I 

Jon: Whats the emergency?

Resident: I forgot my key and I want to go home.

Jon: no. I will get fired.

Resident: But I have Toronto police with me! Can't you make an exception?

Jon: No, but property management might be able to. you should call them. **I actually couldn't find the number due to it being misplaced by the other guards**

police officers: can you make an exception for me ;) ?

Jon: uhh No.

**the police leave. Her friends arrive.

Resident and friends: So you can't let me in or anything? can't you break the rules?

Jon: No. you have to call a locksmith. Property management and everyone else will say the same thing too.

Resident's friend: Can you let me ;) use the master key? ( I'm thinking WTF?! is this guy stupid? That's even worse...letting some strange dude use the master key when I'm not even willing to use it myself). You need to call a locksmith. 

Resident: A lock smith will cost $100! I don't want to spend $100 to get a lock smith...Cant you let me in? 

at this point its been like 20+ minutes and I'm fed up.So I respond:

Jon: wait.... So let me get this want ME to break the rules, where I will be fired, literally, the next morning, just so you can save $100.

Resident. Yes.

Jon: No. 

resident storms off crying.

Talk about selfish and dumb people. This conversation actually lasted more than 15 minutes. I had to cut it short just for entertainment purposes. Its times and interactions like this that I lose faith in people. I don't want to typecast, but this person was blonde. Honestly, I can't believe how dumb people are and how ready they are to throw someone under the bus, just so they can get what they want. She was actually willing to let me get fired just to save $100. When you put it out a situation like this in words, it sounds even more ridiculous than when its happening. 

Lesson learned? Always re-explain a situation to the complainant using the simplest words possible. It will always make them look extra stupid, especially if the situation is a dumb one like the one I just went through. 

Sunday, 15 July 2012

A world of haters! Everyone needs to chill the **** out!

Before I go on with this rant, here is a brief background about myself. I hate hippies, complainers (of no action or no solution),  hipsters (the evolved more smug, contentious, snobby), and extreme feminists. I am a current serving member in the Canadian forces and have served for 5 years. Yeah I'm probably biased, but don't let that let you have a biased stand point against my views! I assure you they are rational.

Everyone hates these days...and often without reason! 

I was at my friends barbecue and meet another service member there. I currently go to York University (this is somewhat relevant, but not really). Anyway we start talking and he tells me that the military tried a recruiting campaign at York U (You can probably see where this is going). They set up a booth, and immediately they are met with resistance by small group of students, which increasingly got bigger.The recruiters had to leave. 

Why I have an issue with this?

1) Guarantee more than half of those fucks don't know what the fuck is going on with the world other than what they hear in the pseudo media; by pseudo media, I'm referring to the people who criticize everything. These are like movie critiques, who are also useless, who often write shitty reviews for movies that the public generally receives well. This type of pseudo media criticizes everything the government, military, and any form of structured organization. They target the corporations and so forth. You really can't win with this crowd.

2) Most these people don't even know what they want or just want very vague things to happen without any consideration as to how these things can happen. For example they just don't agree with the mission. However, they don't know what the mission is or make assumptions as to why we are there. They completely ignore the experiences of individual soldiers and assume that it is one giant conspiracy. They follow a group-think mentality, in the hopes of being different, so that they can have some sort of identity. This leads to biases against many of the corporations and government organizations. A friend once told me she was against the war. I asked her why and then proceeded to "school" her with instances of what goes on and the experiences our soldiers face. She changed her mind...literally within 5 seconds, and not because of coercion. 

These same individuals will often pursue useless degrees like philosophy, arts, women studies etc. The lucky ones will get a decent job. The rest (90%) will end up in a shit load of debt, where  the only way they can pay for it is to work at a shitty job; they might also just stay in school for an extra 3-4 years so that they can get something useful or turn their useless degree into something useful i.e a paper airplane. They will then blame the system for this, but really who's fault is it that they picked a degree that no corporation wants?  There is also a hypocrisy that exists here too! They will aim to work for a corporation so that they can make buttloads of money to buy the next iphone or menchies! I strongly believe that people's values should be firm and not change at the whim of cash or material items.

3) If they aren't complaining now, they will complain later about something else. Before we went into Uganda, there were hordes and hordes of protesters kicking and screaming for us to go there. The reason ? shit was going down already. So finally we decide to go in after things there start to go sour.  The Canadian government gets criticized for this in-action. So people complain because our response is "delayed". Now with Afghanistan, we are being proactive as opposed to reactive, like in Uganda. Guess what? People are protesting that too! With these people you can't win.  So eventually complaining and criticizing will happen. Why? because they have nothing better to do.

4) These people are selfish, self-absorbed, spoiled, and self-entitled. They want things that only benefit themselves with the consideration of who else or what else it affects. Even when they want something that they consider "selfless" to happen, i.e to end poverty around the world, it is only done so that it can benefit them. If they truly wanted to end poverty they would give their cash to the less fortunate. Or another example is with extreme feminists. These individuals fall under the same category because they are in the same mindset. These individuals want equal pay and just everything equal. However, they fail to consider that there is a minimum wage standard and that most jobs out there are on a merit, qualification, and seniority basis. They also would not sacrifice half their wage to a person in another country who is also making a fraction of they are making.  So this only leads to the conclusion that they really only want this change for themselves. selfish selfish selfish. There is also a sense of entitlement that these individuals carry. For the record, no one owes  anyone anything, unless its earned. They need to learn that.

People need to stop hating and need to just start working towards their goals or the goals that they want the world to achieve. They need to stop blaming people and others for their misfortunes and need to start taking responsibility. Sure it would be nice if corporations would pay for education of students and what not, but where will they get this money? Money travels in cycles and changes hands. One person will always be without money. Even if the world restarted and everyone was given an equal amount of cash, over time it the world will reach the same status it is in as it is today due to the nature of humans.

Saturday, 14 July 2012

RIM's Bucket list

I've been following Research in Motion for quite sometime now and they are dropping balls left, right, and center!This also lead to the tanking of its stock from a whopping $150 (TSE:RIM) to under $8 a share. What a drop! Now RIM is trying to make its comeback; it can be a modern day APPLE (NYSE: AAPL). 

So how do they do this  and what should they do?

I've come up with a bucket list of things for them to do that I think can save them, at least their stock anyway.

The bucket list:


I'm not sure if this is possible, but they should adopt android apps into their playbook and phones. However, not in the sense that where they assimilate the apps into theirs (like they do already), but instead have it exist as a separate  set of apps. For example, have BB App World separate from the android app market. This way users can see a clear difference between the two sets of apps. What this shows to investors and users is that RIM has made a change. This will likely lead to a boost in the stock price, as it will signify a come back. The other benefit to doing this is that users can see a clear difference in quality.

#2 CREATE A PHONE THAT IS A MINI VERSION OF THE PLAYBOOK (I made this suggestion to their facebook page and now they have a phone that looks like the playbook -:) ).

The playbook is a good product, it just lacks support. If they create a phone that works like the playbook  and along with Bucket list item #1, this will definitely create a product worthy of competing. Why? The specs will be good, the support will be there, and it will also be sleek and functional for everyday use. It will be simple enough for the everyday user and should be able to do all the things that user wants it to do. 


Create two different products ONLY two - 1) business users 2) everyday users. Both phones will be essentially the same, however one will have the famous keypad and the other will be full touch. The business one should have pre-loaded features that allow it to function as a business tool i.e controlling power point slides and etc. That kind of business stuff. The "everyday phone" will have that access to the same business apps as the business model as well but will be required to install it for free off app world (also not an issue). The everyday phone should come preloaded with general apps that people will use. 


Nuff said.


This will allow other companies to use the BBM service. where RIM can charge either a monthly subscription fee to each company to allow them access to RIM's servers or they charge them a one time fee per phone manufactured to have t, or even do both. I'm not sure whether companies will pay for this, but this kind of competitive edge is a dying one. They should milk it as long as they can. They create a good innovative product and so they should be focusing on the innovation side (unlike apple - see my post on why apple sucks (link here)). 

Getting these 5 things right, I can see the company making a comeback...or at least it will be a start. This will re-establish investor confidence, lead to a better user experience, and also sustenance of the company. After this is done they can then  re-focus on becoming an even stronger competitor. They already have a strong following, they just need to increase their marketshare. It  won't be easy, but given the right talent and right objectives, it can definitely be done.

Let me know what you guys think! I'm pretty sure most people already think this already anyway!