Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Plus size is code for fat

Imagine this: you see a new commercial ad with a plus size guy dancing around in a speedo smiling. Or a bunch of plus size men using dove soap and saying their are regular Men.

A) You probably find it funny and think its a joke.
B) You probably find it funny and think its a joke.


Imagine this: You see a new ad  with a plus size guy dancing around in underwear and smiling. Or a bunch of plus size women using dove soap saying they are regular women.

A) you think its an ad promoting healthy women
B)you think its an ad promoting healthy women.

The difference between the two is you'd never see the first one. EVER. 

There is this new fad going on now and its called the "Plus size" campaign or by others who call it "Regular" Women.  You've probably seen the commercials at some point, whether it be on youtube or a commercial following oprah, you'll probably remember an Ad that advertises big women and how beautiful they are. Sounds great right?  I mean it promotes the importance of inner beauty, even though it attempts to sell you products that ehance your outer beauty. Talk about a mixed message eh? So what are these ads attempting to do, other than sell you products?

Well, for one, they are trying to promote the unhealthy lifestyle, which is usually due to laziness. They've found a way to capitalize on the laziness of individuals, which is a genius strategy! Everyone is lazy in some way, and in most of the ways, its laziness when it comes to exercising. Lack of exercise usually leads to overweightedness. Some might make the connection that there is a hidden agenda here, and that is to increase overall consumption of consumer products - mainly foods (ALL food, including unhealthy), to increase the size of their (creators of plus size products) wallet. I wouldn't be surprised if the creators of these plus size products actually owned stakes in fast food restaurants. So what better way is there than to capitalize on a trait we all have and are happy to embrace, if it were supported. For example, if a company said they would accept a bachelors degree, that a person bought from a street vendor for $1500, instead of putting in the time (4-5 years) to acquire one, I'm sure that street vendor would be an instant millionaire. Probably within a matter of minutes. So this is what these plus size ads are doing. They are saying "Its okay to be fat, you're still healthy!"  when really you aren't. 

They are also saying who cares about what other people think about your outer appearance, but buy these products it will make you prettier. Kind of a contradicting message no? These ads are giving the green light to eat unhealthy and not exercise. The harshness of the matter is, outer beauty matters and this is proven by even those, who claim to lack this shallowness, usually celebrities, when they continue to date only attractive people. Show me an ugly person Tyra Banks dated, and I'll eat my words.

The other thing that really irks me is the inequality that exists with these ads. You would never see an ad that promotes fat men being comfortable in their own skin or dancing around in their underwear or wearing Ralph Lauren polo shirts with the collars popped and their bellies sticking out. You would most likely think its a joke. So why are there so many of these ads for women?

I get it, there's healthy and then theres super model health (which is not healthy). The healthy that should be standard is someone fit, not someone plus sized. I also get that not all women can wear the same sizes, and women should understand that too. Its all about proportion. The thing about plus sized women is that these women usually are fat and are not fit. If they were fit, then they wouldn't be plus sized. No one is telling women you need to eat steam and play the xylophone on your ribs. The only message is that you need to be a healthy weight. Plus size is not a healthy weight or size. For the large majority of plus sized women, they are heavy and a lot of it is due to fat. The minority of women, usually the power lifters look plus sized, but are actually beaming with muscle. These women are fit. The women you see in plus sized ads are not. If we are going to do plus size ads for women, then we should also do the same for men, because not all men can have a six pack, pecks, and be 6ft tall (Bull shit to the six pack and pecks - every guy who works out can have something like that). Every woman can be physically proportional, which would mean they are fit and not actually plus sized.  This "Regular" woman bull shit that fat women claim is a complete skew of the term, these women are not regular because they are above the average body composition for women. So they are not actually regular. 

We shouldn't be promoting this unhealthy lifestyle. It will one day reach a point where we are all so comfortable and lazy that we don't give a fuck to work out and will just ride scooters all day to wherever we want to go. Its a very slippery slope and we need to reverse this. Stop promoting the its okay to be fat because thats the same as promoting uber skinniness. Instead we should be promoting that you need to be active and health and proportional! 

I hate where this world is going and I hate the fact that some women still bitch about inequality. Women are literally the only people who can say its okay to be fat, but then judge men for being fat.