There are a lot of fat people in the world. Some are fat due to poor circumstance, some due to disease, and for the most part a lot of them just have no drive, motivation, or will power. I recently tried to encourage a girl to start exercising. Of course there's no real polite way to suggest that someone is fat, unless you powder it with a lot of compliments, which I did. Even so, I'm still met with someone who was super offended. You really can't win. Her reason for her circumstance is she is sick. She also said she ate one meal a day plus snacks. How true that is, I don't know. What I can tell you though is she definitely doesn't know the fundamentals of healthy living.
Now, I'm not saying I'm some fitness guru or someone who is super fit or anything like that, because I'm not. I work out a few times a week, sometimes none, and I eat like shit. Sometimes I have mcdonalds 3 times in a week (Mcgangbang sandwich, A mcdouble + a junior chicken patty in between) without working out at all! I know for a fact my metabolism is shit, because after a week of not working out I put on weight and fat, so ultimately I'm your average person, maybe a little under average. I'd also like to say that, if it weren't for laziness, lack of drive, or motivation, almost anyone can lose weight; so long as they build the right habits. For example, this guy Drew Manning did an experiment where he purposely put on a shit load of weight and then lost it all after a year. While this dude might be a personal trainer and have the fitness background, it just shows that with hard work and knowledge, you can lose that poundage.
Before I got side tracked, I was talking about how this chick who claimed she was sick and hence her being overweight. I didn't go into what she had, but I asked her a few questions such as, can you walk? can you move your arms? are you able bodied. All of which she said yes. I also pointed out that Lance armstrong wont he tour de france 7 fucking times and he had cancer, to which she had no response. Unless you have some sort of disease, god forbid, where you cannot move due to excruciating pain, you really have no excuse for being obese. If you cannot move and are in exrcuciating pain due to obesity, then thats your fault and you should do all that is with in your will power to cut the weight. Any reason you give to not workout is just code for I'm lazy and couldn't give a damn. Being chubby is okay, and I'm not saying that I have a problem with people who are fat. If you like the way you are, then good for you and all the power to you! My main beef is with people who make an excuse for a predicament they are in. I've done it before, everyone has. Its time to start being responsible.
So with that, here is the workout I just completed for time. Not the best time, and probably one of the more difficult workouts I've done.
lets call this workout: shit storm.
57 minutes.
100 deadlifts of 120lb
100 squats of 180lb
50 pullups
50 kettle bell swings per arm 25lbs
50 shoulder presses 40 lbs
50 punching bag lifts 75lbs