Wednesday 26 June 2013

New mcSandwiches, courtesy of yours truly

There was first the McGangbang (not my invention), but one I stand by wholeheartedly.  After being inspired by this beast, I came up with the mcOrgy - Beouf, poulet, poisson, et  porc a la bun. This is even more beastly. I only tried this once. Once was definitely enough.

More recently (today), I came up with a new invention....

The McBunsex!  (Image to be posted later).

If you're feeling a heavy carb load for a nice crash and energy drain, definitely try this one out! It might not taste the mightiest, but it certainly has an awesome and catchy name. What could McBunsex suggest? Well like the main suggests, it's from mcdonalds... and it has to do with buns. Its a bun within a bun...NO MEAT!

Other things I've tried that I highly suggest -

1) McIcecream with McApple Pie
2) McIcecream  with McIcedCoffee
3) McCoke.McCarbonated drink with McIcecream.
4) Potato party - Lots and Lots of supersize fries...$40 worth.

Thursday 13 June 2013

tanya wong the biggest loser since the last winner of the biggest loser.

tanya wong is high.....and shes multi tasking... wtf. when i get high i just pass out and not even a spark of thought passes through my brain. we are currently in soci1010 and it is boring....i repeat borrring... but this is even more boring.